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All currently running academic research projects and individual grants will be mentioned here, along with short summaries and key personnel involved.

Research Projects

ERC StG 2017 - ends 31/12/2022

A summary can be found here

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshian

Dr. Carla Rios Luci

Neshat Saffarzadeh

Personal Grants

Optimizing NM delivery to solid tumors by pharmaceutical and physical means

FWO-SB - ends 31/12/2022

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshian

Mukaddes Izci

A multidisciplinary approach for the treat-ment of immune-suppressed ovarian cancer

KU Leuven C2 - ends 30/09/2022

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Bart Coenaerts

Ann Vankerckhoven

Development and validation of optical imaging tools for advanced preclinical cancer research

FWO-SB - ends 31/12/2022

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshia

Evelien Hesemans

A multidisciplinary study on the use of biodegradable nanocarriers for the specific delivery of pharmaceutics in lungs of premature babies

KU Leuven C2 - ends 30/09/2022

People involved:

Dr. Bella Manshian

Prof. Jaan Toelen

Yannick Regin​

Vincent Lenders

A multidisciplinary study on the use of biodegradable nanocarriers for the specific delivery of pharmaceutics in lungs of premature babies

FWO-SB - ends 31/12/2022

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshia

Yannick Regin

Evaluation of nanomaterial-mediated induction of immunogenic cell death as novel anticancer therapy

FWO Research Grant - ends 31/12/2022

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshian

Christy Maksoudian

A complementary in vivo-in silico approach to optimize nanomaterial delivery to solid tumors

BOF CELSA fund - ends 31/10/2022

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshian

Mukaddes Izci

Kiana Buttiens

Valorization and translation of preclinical nanomedicine research findings

Wellcome Trust iTPA

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshian

Implementation of preclinical optical imaging and nano-immunotherapy as anti-cancer research tools

FIKO - ends 31/10/2022

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Ultrasensitive multiplexed optical imaging methods: the true meaning of shedding light in the dark

BOF funding C3 - ends 31/01/2024

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshian

Nanoparticle-mediated immunotherapy for improved cancer treatment

BOF funding C3 - ends 30/09/2024

People involved:

Prof. Stefaan Soenen

Dr. Bella Manshian

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